Result 1 - 9 from 9 speakers
James describes himself as 'an historian of the future' with a close interest in key trends and strategic challenges facing current and future business up to Horizon 2020 and beyond. He is a regular choice as a speaker at high level conferences around the world, has published a number of books and special reports on the world of tomorrow and has worked within high-level consultancy teams on projects with a future perspective. He was the first British staff member of the US-headquartered futurology 'think tank' the Hudson Institute, taking a senior role at the Institute's European division based in Paris. The institute developed a wide range of scenario studies working with multi-disciplinary teams embracing economics, econometrics, sociology, statistics, urban planning, international currency, trade and defence relations and other academic specialisms.
Nick Tolhurst is a leading speaker, commentator and thinker in the field of Future Trends, Business Sustainability and International and European Political Developments.
Biologist and master in Arts, following a Ph.D. program in Philosophy.
Vito Di Bari is an acclaimed futurist, author, and an authority on innovation. He is “the new European guru of innovation,” according to The Financial Times.
Zakladateľ a hlavný stratég spoločnosti Exalead. V súčasnosti pôsobí ako prezident FB&Cie.
Je priekopníkom Big Data a technológií v oblasti vyhľadávačov. V súčasnej dobe pôsobí ako generálny riaditeľ KP&Cie.
Francois má rozsiahle zázemie v oblasti strojárstva, výskumu a vývoja. Je autorom a častým rečníkom na svetových odborných podujatí.
Result 1 - 9 from 9 speakers