Nick Tolhurst
Nick Tolhurst is a leading speaker, commentator and thinker in the field of Future Trends, Business Sustainability and International and European Political Developments.

He delivers new thinking and is an extremely sought after panellist, moderator and inspirational speaker with a close interest in trends and strategic challenges facing opinion formers, governments and business. He has published a number of books and reports on the world of tomorrow, advised many leading European companies and has worked with high-level organisations on projects with a future perspective - whether in terms of business, governance, development, environment or politics. In a career spanning several decades he led the international CSR think tank - ICCA - from 2004-2010 and is visiting Professor of Sustainable Business at Monterrey Tec - Latin America's leading and largest Private Business University. He is on the board of the Berlin based Institute for Cultural Diplomacy where he regular lectures and chairs panels and also teaches at the private Steinbeis University in Berlin. Nick is the best selling (and translated) author of a number of publications including the world's first dictionary of sustainability "The A to Z of CSR". His two most recent books, "Responsible Business" and "The World Guide to CSR", both made Cambridge University's top 40 Business sustainability books of 2010. Languages: English (native) & German (fluent)
Capacity: Speaker, Panel Chairman/Moderator, Panel Participant, Presenter
What he presents:
Green & Sustainable Business
Challenges & Opportunities
International and European Political Developments
Future Trends
Using the sustainable business/CSR wave to increase innovation and profits
The emerging new balance of world economic and political power
New business 'eco-systems'
The inevitable rise of China and the decline of the USA?
The new economic and social realities and future trends
Politics, business and society in the "post wiki-leaks" digital age
What Future for Europe?
Global demographic revolution and its future impact
Building the post-carbon economy
Business challenges of the green agenda
The "Clash of Civilisations" or the "Merging of Civilisations?"
How to build a "Green Brand". CSR as a strategy for success