Result 1 - 20 from 26 speakers
Having made a habit of always lecturing dressed in wildlife-trekking shorts and characteristic Nietzschean moustache, scribbling his notes on huge whiteboards rather than parading another predictable power-point presentation, Bard's simultaneously entertaining and eye-opening lectures have consistently topped the ratings at major business and management conferences around the world. As any good speaker does, Bard takes pride in practicing the very message that he preaches.
Humorist Steve Altes has had an eclectic career path. Having worked as an aerospace engineer, an aide to the president, an author, and now an actor, he observes "I'm just working through the 'a' occupations first. Bee-keeper and belly-dancer are next." Whether he's a renaissance man or simply unable to hold a job isn't clear.
Karel brings meaning to mayhem with her nothing but the truth approach to business and life. An accomplished author and humorist, Karel has made radio and television appearances and she enjoys local, regional, and national publication of her articles. In addition to Hitting Our Stride: Women, Work and What Matters, she is the author of Straight Talk: Getting Off the Curb. Karel is a featured author in Extreme Excellence: Dynamic Interviews with America's Top 10 Performance Experts, and publishes a monthly newsletter-Think Forward!® read by thousands of subscribers. She is the author of the CPR for Managers Series and has created a weekly podcast series where she interviews industry experts on various topics: and you can access her blog at
Dan Poynter is an author (120+ books), publisher (since 1969) and a Certified Speaking Professional (CSP). He is an evangelist for books, an ombudsman for authors, an advocate for publishers and the godfather to thousands of successfully-published books.
Doug Noll is a lawyer turned peacemaker. He talks about his passion for peacemaking with humor, grace, and insight. Audiences rate him as the best and walk away inspired that they too can follow their dreams to make changes in the world.
Brian Fagan was born in England and studied archaeology at Pembroke College, Cambridge. He was Keeper of Prehistory at the Livingstone Museum, Zambia, from 1959-1965. During six years in Zambia and one in East Africa, he was deeply involved in fieldwork on multidisciplinary African history and in monuments conservation. He came to the United States in 1966 and was Professor of Anthropology at the University of California, Santa Barbara, from 1967 to 2004, when he became Emeritus.
Professor Mohan Munasinghe shared the 2007 Nobel Prize for Peace, as Vice Chair of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Currently, he is Chairman of the Munasinghe Institute of Development (MIND), Colombo; Professor of Sustainable Development at SCI, University of Manchester, UK; Distinguished Guest Professor at Peking University, China; and Honorary Senior Advisor to the Sri Lanka Government.
Paul Coia is a television presenter and continuity announcer who was the first voice on Channel 4. His broadcasting career kicked off in 1981, with his own local radio show followed by a chat series for Scottish Television. This was followed by work for both BBC 1 and BBC 2 on a variety of programmes including The Holiday Programme, Pebble Mill At One, Garden Party and Tricks Of The Trade.
Drawing on his experience all over the globe and on both sides of the camera, Scott Alexander Young creates memorably entertaining keynote speeches and presentations that address your business needs. For example, if your business was a movie, what genre would it be: Drama or Comedy, Thriller or Romance? Who are the Stars of your business? How can you help them to shine? Plus, they call it the "elevator pitch." Can you sum up the core values and benefits of your movie - your company - in a few sentences?
Sonia Nazario has spent 20 years reporting and writing about social issues, most recently as a projects reporter for the Los Angeles Times. Her stories have tackled some of this country's most intractable problems: hunger, drug addiction, immigration.
Kate Silverton is a highly accomplished, versatile journalist and popular presenter of BBC news, current affairs and entertainment programmes. She has won plaudits for her reporting from Iraq, and is no stranger to conflict, having covered several of the world's troubled and beleaguered regions. Recently she was in Afghanistan reporting from the front line.
Ann Louise Bardach is the author of Without Fidel: A Death Foretold in Miami, Havana and Washington and Cuba Confidential: Love and Vengeance in Miami and Havana. She is also the editor of The Prison Letters of Fidel Castro as well as Cuba: A Travelers Literary Companion and served on The Brookings Institution's Cuba Study Project.
Jay Allison is an independent broadcast journalist. His work airs on NPR's "All Things Considered" and "Morning Edition," PRI's "This American Life," and other national programs. He is well known for his role as the curator and producer of "This I Believe" on NPR, and is co-editor of the best-selling books based on the series. Among his many projects, Allison currently produces the Peabody Award-winning "Moth Radio Hour."
Nick Ross was born in London on 7 August 1947, went to Wallington County Grammar School, then read psychology at Queen's University Belfast. The Nobel-laureate Seamus Heaney was among his teachers and the youngest MP Bernadette Devlin was among his contemporaries. He graduated with a BA (Hons) and later became a Doctor of the University (honoris causa).
Result 1 - 20 from 26 speakers